“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

World Cancer Day 2024 ورلڈ کینسر ڈے (Engish and Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed

World Cancer Day 2024 ورلڈ کینسر ڈے (Engish and Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed


World Cancer Day 2024

My World Cancer Day 2024 Poster

Handwritten in Urdu and English


This World Cancer Day 2024 I  hand wrote the poster in Urdu and English and posted it to my Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Profiles.

I attended a sisters only art therapy workshop with my sister Irem, this workshop was organised by The Muslim Bereavement Support Service.

Due to my own going shoulder issues I have struggled with my right shoulder to type this blog has been painful to type.

اس ورلڈ کینسر ڈے 2024 میں میں نے ہاتھ سے پوسٹر اردو اور انگریزی میں لکھا اور اسے اپنے X، Facebook اور LinkedIn پروفائلز پر پوسٹ کیا۔

میں نے اپنی بہن ارم کے ساتھ ایک سسٹرس اونلی آرٹ تھراپی ورکشاپ میں شرکت کی، یہ ورکشاپ دی مسلم بیریومنٹ سپورٹ سروس نے منعقد کی تھی۔

میرے اپنے کندھے کے مسائل کی وجہ سے میں نے اپنے دائیں کندھے سے ٹائپ کرنے کے لئے جدوجہد کی ہے اس بلاگ کو ٹائپ کرنا تکلیف دہ رہا ہے۔


 Please support World Cancer Day!

براہ کرم ورلڈ کینسر ڈے کی حمایت کریں!



The Muslim Bereavement

Support Service

London, UK - 2024


After 6 long years of grief and ongoing healing, my sister and I decided to seek the services of The Muslim Bereavement Support Service located in Chingford, London. 

This was a sisters only workshop.

We reserved our places to attend the Free Art Therapy Workshop, because talking about grief is not for everyone.

During the workshop which was 3 hours long we listened to a presentation about grief from an Islamic perspective and completed some artwork.

Some sisters were comfortable to talk about their loved ones while others were happy to complete the intricate artwork.

My paper heart says 'ease' is dedicated to my beloved parents

By the end of the workshop, my sister and I had completed a few book marks and a paper heart each.

The purpose of this workshop was to give those grieving an opportunity to share their experiences of loss, grief and journeys of connecting with Allah subhana wa'tala.

Yes! There were many tears and hugs!

Many thanks and dua'as (prayers) for sisters Farhana, Sofia and Nafisa for organising this workshop and laying out refreshments.

My dua'as for all those participating, May Allah Subhana wa'tala make it easy for your hearts and bless loved ones with a beautiful seat in Jannat-ul-Ferdose. Aaameen!

I have posted a link the Muslim Bereavement Support Service at the end of this blog.



The Muslim Bereavement Support Service 

The Muslim Bereavement Support Service is a registered charity, founded in 2012. We are a non-profit organisation serving the Muslim community by supporting bereaved women who have lost a loved one.

We also work with other organisations, the NHS and hospices in particular, to give a spiritual context to the bereavement support services they offer.

Losing a loved one is an extremely painful experience and the range of feelings and emotions as well as physical reactions can be very confusing and further upsetting. For this reason we aim to help in any way we can during this difficult time. Our confidential service is provided by trained volunteers.

Our Team

Executive Committee

  • Shaykh Yunus Dudhwala – Chair
  • Mr Mohamed Omer – Director
  • Shaykh Zubair Baiyat –  Imam/Advisor
  • Dr Sabina Patel – Chief Executive

Managing Committee

  • Ms Kulsum Patel – Operations
  • Ms Sofia Bhatti – Liaison
  • Ms Lubna Sharif – Publicity
  • Ms Farhana Mahmud – Children and Young People
  • Ms Nafisa Yusuf – Projects

 The team can be contacted via the email address:  info@mbss.org.uk

Source and Credit: The Muslim Bereavement Support Service


More World Cancer Day Blogs and Videos

For those interested I have posted links to my 2019-2023 World Cancer Day blogs at the end of this blog.



World Cancer Day 2023

My World Cancer Day 2023 Poster 

I participated in World Cancer Day 2023 by posting an edited short gif in Urdu and English on my Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn Profiles.

I have struggled with my right shoulder and typing this blog has been painful.


 Please support World Cancer Day!

براہ کرم ورلڈ کینسر ڈے کی حمایت کریں!




World Cancer Day 2022 


                         کینسر کا عالمی دن

#دیکھ بھال کے فرق کو بند کریں


My Video Message in English


World Cancer Day 2022 in Urdu


Hello, Assalaam Alaikum, peace and blessings,

My name is Sabeena and this is my message for World Cancer Day 2022!


کینسر کا عالمی دن 2022


اگلے دو سالوں میں کینسر کے عالمی دن کی مہم نگہداشت کے فرق کو ختم کرنے پر توجہ مرکوز کرے گی۔


میرا نام سبینہ ہے اور یہ ورلڈ کینسر ڈے 2022 کے لیے میرا پیغام ہے۔


#مزید معلومات کے لیے براہ کرم ورلڈ کینسر ڈے کی ویب سائٹ کے نیچے دیے گئے لنک پر کلک کریں۔ World Cancer Day 2022


World Cancer Day 2022 with Sabeena Z Ahmed

World Cancer Day Poster - English


World Cancer Day 2022 - Urdu with Sabeena Z Ahmed

World Cancer Day 2022 - Urdu

My beautiful mother Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano was diagnosed with metastatic breast cancer March 2012, she was 59 years old.

Mum courageously received 4 years of chemotherapy and radiotherapy before she returned to her maker April 18th 2016, she was 62 years old.

Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano - my paradise, fairtrade advocate and cancer patient.

My Amee (mother) enjoyed painting, had a passion for gardening and travel.

The blog below illustrates the precious time and memories I have of visiting Javed Manzil, Lahore, Pakistan with my mother before she was diagnosed with cancer.

I'd like to take this opportunity to offer prayers for all those who have lost a loved one to cancer.

May Allah azza wa ajal (God) bless all mothers with Paradise

(Jannat-ul-Ferdose), Aameen.


O Soul At Peace Dua - Quaran Chapter 89 verse 29-30

The Noble Quran - Chapter 89 Verse 29-30


My video for World Cancer Day 2020


Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano my beloved mother

Fair Trade Travels - Visiting Javed Manzil with Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano, 2011/12 with Sabeena Ahmed

My mother in Lahore, Pakistan - 2011/12


This blog is a tribute to Mum and the precious memories my siblings and I have of her.

My mother was born in Shikarpur, India and was the 3rd eldest of 9 children.

She had a happy childhood and enjoyed studying and teaching.

She married my father at 19 years old and migrated to the United Kingdom in 1971.

She devoted her life to her children and family.

She loved, gardening, travelling, wearing hand stitched Pakistani traditional clothes and spending quality time with her mother my Nani and her siblings.

She loved Manchester and is buried there.

May Allah subhana wa'tala, (The Almighty) bless my beloved mother and all mothers with Jannat ul Ferdose (Paradise).

Aameen Suma Aameen! 

I hope you have enjoyed reading this blog as a tribute my beloved mother Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano and the priceless time we spent in Lahore during 2012.

As I end this blog I'd like you to take a minute to make a prayer or dua for my mother and all the beautiful mothers who have returned to their maker.


Love you forever!!!


 Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano - World Cancer Day 2021 with Sabeena Ahmed

Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano, 1952 - 2016


Loss, Grief and Bereavement

It has been 6 years since I last saw my beloved mother.

Its been a roller-coaster of emotions as I cope with my loss, grief and bereavement.

Etched in my memory forever, I still remember when she took her last breaths and how distraught my siblings and I were.

The photograph below is a beautiful reminder of how I remember my mother.

She was a strong independent, happy, healthy woman with a beautiful smile.


Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano at Edinburgh Castle May 2014 - World Cancer Day 2019 Video by Sabeena Ahmed

Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano, Edinburgh Castle

May 2014


Grief, Bereavement and Healing

My grief journey has been painful and challenging.

This is a wonderful poster and resource titled

'BEREAVEMENT - How People Can Help' has been designed by the Care For The Family Organisation.

Bereavement - How Other People Can Help - credit and source Care For The Family UK website

Bereavement - How Other People Can Help -

Credit and source Care For The Family UK website



6 years on I'd describe my healing journey as lonely, sudden and hopeful.

Healing Can Feel - Credit @Spoonie_Village

Healing Can Feel - Credit @Spoonie_Village


Since Mum's passing I have continued with my fair trade campaigning and work.

Mum was a fairtrade advocate and supported fairtrade producers.

Recording videos like this is also part of my healing process.

I also purchased books about healing.

Due to the lack of support my siblings and I received after my mother passed I completed an online course 'Talking About Cancer' with Cancer Research UK.

I have attached a link below for those interested.



Hereditary Breast Cancer, Genetic Testing

and Counselling

During early January 2017 I found a lump in my left breast and immediately made an appointment to see my breast consultant. Luckily, my lump was a cyst and it was removed successfully.

Due to a history of breast and ovarian cancer in my family my consultant advised that I take the BRAC1 and BRAC2 genetic testing.

My results were normal and I do not carry the BRAC 1/2 genes. I am very relieved.

Self examination is the key to early detection of cancer and survival.

Women who have a history of cancer in the family should attend their annual mammogram and pap test.

As I mentioned earlier self-examination is the key to successful treatment and survival.

Below is a poster designed by the World Health Organisation about recognising the symptoms of Breast Cancer.

Breast Cancer Symptoms - World Health Organisation

Breast Cancer Symptoms - World Health Organisation


Visiting the Doctor 

Once again I would like to reiterate that the body goes through hormonal changes and not all lumps are cancerous.

If you notice any abnormalities in your body please make an appointment to see your General Practitioner.

If you are uncomfortable about attending your doctors appointment, mammogram or pap test alone ask a family member or friend to go along with you. 

However hard it may see at the time, talk to someone about how you are feeling.

Worrying never achieves anything and knowing that you've opened a conversation about your health is a step closer to making you better and healthier.

Before you attend your appointment make a list of all your symptoms and talk openly with your doctor about your worries and concerns.


Cancer and the South Asian Community

I am hoping that by recording the video blogs over the years and continuing to raise awareness for cancer I can reach out to other ladies in similar situations and Pakistani/Asian carers who would like a listening ear and some moral support.

It is my aim that the Pakistani and Asian community talk openly about cancer and support those instead of giving them a death sentence.

Cancer is a taboo subject and it's so important to dispel the myths surrounding it.

Due to the lack of support my siblings and I received after my mother passed I completed an online course 
''Talking About Cancer'' with Cancer Research UK.

I have attached a link below for those interested.



Support World Cancer Day 2024

This World Cancer Day support a cancer research organisation by volunteering your time and raising awareness about cancer.

Take Action

Share these posters to raise awareness!


World Cancer Day 2024 (Arabic)


World Cancer Day 2024 (English)


 World Cancer Day 2024 (Brazilian Portuguese)


World Cancer Day 2024 (Chinese)



World Cancer Day 2024 (French)


World Cancer Day 2024 (German)


World Cancer Day 2024 (Russian)


World Cancer Day 2024 (Spanish)

Source and Credit: World Cancer Day 2024 website


Thank you for reading my blog!

Love and best wishes to all cancer patients past and present, their families and carers.

I wish you a speedy recovery and a happy healthy life.
Love and dua'as (prayers) for those who have lost a loved one!



Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano with Sabeena Ahmed celebrating Fairtrade fortnight Dubai UAE 2015

Mrs Meshar Mumtaz Bano with Sabeena Ahmed

celebrating Fairtrade Fortnight Dubai, UAE - 2015 


Further Reading and Links

Muslim Bereavement Support Service

World Cancer Day 2023

World Cancer Day 2022

World Cancer Day 2021

 World Cancer Day 2020

World Cancer Day 2019

World Cancer Day 

Cancer Research UK and Breast Cancer

Care For The Family UK

Spoonie Village

World Health Organisation

Talk About Cancer - Future Learn

The Christie Manchester UK

Macmillan Cancer UK

Marie Curie UK


Also in The Little Fair Trade Blog

July 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary
July 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month my right shoulder is still very painful and I have struggled to record this vlog and type this blog.

I finally managed to record videos for my Six Items Challenge 2024.

Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

اس مہینے میرے دائیں کندھے میں اب بھی بہت درد ہے اور میں نے اس بلاگ کو ٹائپ کرنے کے لیے بہت جدوجہد کی ہے۔

میں آخر کار اپنے سکس آئٹمز چیلنج 2024 کی ویڈیوز ریکارڈ کرنے میں کامیاب ہو گی ۔

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Six Items Challenge 2024, ۲۰۲۴ چھ آئٹمز کا چیلنج with Labour Behind The Label (English and Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed
Six Items Challenge 2024, ۲۰۲۴ چھ آئٹمز کا چیلنج with Labour Behind The Label (English and Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed

Hello, Assalaam Alaikum, peace and blessings!

Thank you for taking the time to visit my blog.

My name is Sabeena and I'm a social entrepreneur, fair trade campaigner and educator.

This is the 12th consecutive year I've participated in the Six Items Challenge with Labour Behind The Label.

السلام علیکم و رحمۃ اللہ و برکاتہ!

میرے بلاگ پر جانے کے لیے وقت نکالنے کے لیے آپ کا شکریہ۔

میں سبینہ ہوں، ایک سماجی کاروباری، منصفانہ تجارت کی مہم چلانے والی اور معلم ہوں۔

لہذا میں یہاں مسلسل 11ویں سال لیبر کے پیچھے لیبر کے ساتھ چھ آئٹمز چیلنج میں حصہ لے رہا ہوں۔

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Muslim Bereavement Support Service, London, UK مسلمانوں کا غم سپورٹ سروس لندن، برطانیہ - 2024 (English and Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed
Muslim Bereavement Support Service, London, UK مسلمانوں کا غم سپورٹ سروس لندن، برطانیہ - 2024 (English and Urdu) with Sabeena Z Ahmed

After 6 long years of grief and ongoing healing, my sister and I decided to seek the services of The Muslim Bereavement Support Service located in Chingford, London. 

This was a sisters only workshop.

We reserved our places to attend the Free Art Therapy Workshop, because talking about grief is not for everyone.

Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

چھ سال کے طویل غم کے بعد، میں اور میری بہن نے چنگفورڈ، لندن میں واقع مسلم بیریومنٹ سپورٹ سروس کی خدمات حاصل کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا۔

یہ صرف بہنوں کی ورکشاپ تھی۔

ہم نے فری آرٹ تھیراپی ورکشاپ میں شرکت کے لیے اپنی جگہیں محفوظ کیں، کیونکہ غم کے بارے میں بات کرنا ہر کسی کے بس کی بات نہیں ہے۔


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