I was invited to teach fair trade to Year 5 at the Manor Primary School, Dubai.
Sabeena Ahmed with Mrs Mercer and Year 5 at the Manor Primary School
We started the lesson with the Chocolate Song.
And went on to discuss the poster ''Where do fair trade products come from?''
Where do Fairtrade products come from?
I decided to take a shopping basket full of fair trade products for the children to touch, read and eat.
Children ate delicious fair trade chocolate Green & Blacks Maya Gold during the lesson.
Children also savored the seriously smooth Divine Milk Chocolate.
Empowering women cocoa farmers by Kuapa Kokoo, Linda Berchie and Victoria Boakyewaa
Children watched a fair trade video about cocoa farmers in the Dominican Republic.
Children learnt about the fair trade price, fair trade social premium, social standards and environmental standards.
photo here
We ended the session by taking photographs of the children wearing fair trade certified cotton T-shirts, holding the fair trade banner and wearing banana costumes.
Year 5 and Mrs Mercer - Manor Primary School, Dubai
Mrs Mercer dressed as a fair trade banana and Year 5 - Manor Primary School, Dubai
Teaching fair trade to Year 5
It was a fabulous morning teaching fair trade and I look forward to returning to Year 5 later this year.
What is fair trade?
''Fair trade is a simple way each one of us can make a difference through our everyday choices.
It’s about better prices, decent working conditions, local sustainability, and fair terms of trade for farmers and workers in the developing world. Fair trade aims to enable the poorest farmers and workers to improve their position and have more control over their lives.
On top of the agreed Fair trade minimum price producers also receive the Fair trade premium. How it’s spent is voted on democratically by farmers and workers.
This is development as decided by the people who will benefit from it. After all, they’re the ones best placed to make it work the hardest. Roads have been laid, nurseries equipped and helpful new tools have been put to work all thanks to the Fair trade premium.''
Fairtrade Foundation
Further reading and links
This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.
I remotely attend two webinars about 'Understanding the home décor
and textile and apparel market.'
These webinars were organised by ITC.
This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.
I managed to attend a World Social Enterprise Day 2024 remote webinar.
I have updated my blog I wrote in 2021 about living with invisible disabilities and chronic pain.