“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

The Little Fair Trade Blog

Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop in The United Arab Emirates

Sabeena Ahmed and The Little Fair Trade Shop in The United Arab Emirates

Hello! My name is Sabeena Ahmed.

I'm a fairtrade campaigner, educator and social entrepreneur.

I was born and educated in Manchester, UK.

I'm a qualified PGCE ESOL Practitioner, adore fairtrade chocolate and support breast cancer research.

I promote the sustainable development goals, fair trade ethical living and the circular economy.

This is a brief summary of my fairtrade activities and campaigns in the United Arab Emirates spanning 2009 to 2020.

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The Little Fair Trade Shop - Fairtrade and the Sustainable Development Goals

The Little Fair Trade Shop - Fairtrade and the Sustainable Development Goals

In this blog I explain how Fairtrade supports the Sustainable Development Goals and how I have attempted to implement them in my everyday work and life.

I have concentrated on the following SDG's, SDG1, SDG2, SDG5, SDG8, SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16 and SDG17.

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World Pulse Ambassador UAE - March 2019

World Pulse Ambassador UAE - March 2019

February 2019 I applied to become an ambassador with World Pulse.

My application was accepted.

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October 2017 Newsletter Video Blog Summary

October 2017 Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This October I was interviewed by Voice of Islam Radio Station, London, UK.

My interview with Paksy Plackis-Chang and Impact Mania was released on Twitter and Facebook.

I presented fair trade to ladies at a coffee morning.

I finally had my surgery for my rotater cuff. My right shoulder is painful but healing.

I welcomed my friend Joanna Smieja from Poland. It was Joanna's first visit to Dubai and the UAE.

Suported Anti-Poverty Week 2017, Dubai, UAE. 

Recorded my tribute to my beloved mother for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.

Received my ''This Is Manchester'' tribute book.

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April 2017 - Video Blog Newsletter Summary

April 2017 - Video Blog Newsletter Summary

This month I completed the WFTO Asia - Introduction to Gender course and my Six Items Challenge 2017.

Attended The Muslim Lifestyle Show said hello to the Macmillan Cancer Support volunteers and purchased fairtrade dates from the Zaytoun stand.

Travelled to Manchester, UK to pay respects to my parents. A year has passed since my beautiful mother passed away from metastatic breast cancer.

Enjoyed a vegetarian lunch and interviewed Dr Sara Parker who has designed two fairtrade puppet sets with fairtrade producers in Nepal.

Celebrated Fashion Revolution Week.

Continued to mentor and support my World Pulse Change Maker Joanna in Poland.

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Girls compete, women empower and beautiful minds inspire! World Pulse Vision Mentor May, April, March & February 2017 Update

Girls compete, women empower and beautiful minds inspire! World Pulse Vision Mentor May, April, March & February 2017 Update

Late December 2016 I decided to apply as a World Pulse Change Maker.

I sent my application and hoped for the best.

I received a message from the World Pulse team early January 2017 to inform me that I had been selected as a World Pulse Vision Mentor.

I was surprised by their message as I didn't believe I was qualified to mentor anyone.

I said ''YES!''

As they say the rest is history.

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My Fair Trade Journey - Sabeena Z Ahmed & The Little Fair Trade Shop Ltd

My Fair Trade Journey - Sabeena Z Ahmed & The Little Fair Trade Shop Ltd

I have been campaigning for fairtrade and ethical producers and ethical consumerism in my beloved home city of Manchester, London, Dubai and Abu Dhabi for the past 14 years.

One of greatest accomplishments is converting my mother to fairtrade products before she returned to her maker.


As the only fair trade campaigner, educator and modest retailer in the United Arab Emirates I have struggled to create a niche market for fair trade products.

Nevertheless, I have never lost heart and am more determined than ever to dispel the myth about fair trade being ''charity.''

It was a wonderful experience to meet Professor Mohammad Yunus at Salford University.

A privilege to discuss fair trade with Dr Jamil Sherif and Mrs Naseema Begum at the Muslim Council of Britain November 2016.

Thank you World Pulse for your compassion and love and for your support in raising my voice as a Muslim Female Social Entrepreneur. 

I continue to educate people about fair trade artisans and groups by promoting the principles of a living wage, self-reliance, empowerment, transparency, environmental sustainability and dignity and self respect for all.

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