This October I was interviewed by Voice of Islam Radio Station, London, UK.
My interview with Paksy Plackis-Cheng and Impact Mania was released on Twitter and Facebook.
I presented fair trade to group of approximately 30 ladies at a coffee morning Dubai, UAE.
I had my surgery for a rotator cuff. My right shoulder is still painful but healing.
I welcomed my friend Joanna Smieja from Poland. It was Joanna's first visit to Dubai and the UAE.
Supported Anti-Poverty Week, Dubai, UAE.
Recorded my tribute to my beloved mother for Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
Received my ''This Is Place'' tribute book.
This October I was approached by Producer of Voice Islam Radio, London, Ms Kashifa Badar.
I was interviewed 3rd October 2017 by Voice of Islam Radio Station, London, UK.
I am very grateful to Kashifa Badar for taking an interest in The Little Fair Trade Shop and the fairtrade movement of the United Arab Emirates.
I will try to ask her for a link of my interview if possible.
I am very honoured to have been interviewed by Paksy Plackis-Cheng and featured by her organization Impact Mania. Many thanks to Paksy for taking time out of her busy schedule to take an interest in Fair Trade and fair trade producers around the world.
You can read my interview here.
This month I also attended a Coffee Morning organised by a very kind hearted lady called Maryam and I asked the ladies to support Anti-Poverty Week 2017, Dubai, UAE.
I talked about Fair Trade, Fair Trade Chocolate and Anti Poverty Week.
There were approximately 30 ladies present and I made a few fair trade friends.
Beautiful Dubai ladies supporting Anti-Poverty Week 2017, Dubai, UAE
I finally had surgery for my rotator cuff!
Many thanks to Dr Thomas his team and the caring nurses at the American Dubai Hospital.
With Ruth at the American Hospital Dubai
I will try to request a photo with Dr Thomas and my physio therapist Gill
Photo to be uploaded soon.
On the 17th October my friend and World Pulse Change Maker Joanna Smieja came to visit me in Dubai and we celebrated Anti-Poverty Week 2017 during her stay.
We had a great time and she thoroughly enjoyed her visit to the United Arab Emirates.
Jo eating a delicious date filled with pistachio
Joanna at Dubai Creek
Jo enjoying the beautiful Madinat Jumeirah, Dubai, UAE
I am struggling to type and hope to edit and upload Joanna's interview soon.
To read more about Joanna's visit and watch her videos please click here.
This year I celebrated Anti-Poverty Week with ladies in Dubai and my dear friend Joanna Smieja.
Jo and the WFTO's 10 Principles of Fair Trade
At the Top of the Burj Khalifa supporting Anti Poverty Week 2017
This years hashtags were #LiveFair and #BeatPoverty
To read more about Anti-Poverty Week in Dubai please click on the link here.
This month I recorded a tribute about my beloved mother in support of Breast Cancer Awareness Month.
It was emotional receiving the This is Place Tribute Book by poet Tony Walsh and friends.
Love, Peace, Prayers and Blessings to the families and friends of the 22 victims.
Love this! :)
Apologies for not writing a more detailed summary this month. Typing is very difficult and painful.
I hope to bring you another update soon.
Warmest regards
Anti-Poverty Week, Dubai, UAE
This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.
I remotely attend two webinars about 'Understanding the home décor
and textile and apparel market.'
These webinars were organised by ITC.
This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.
I managed to attend a World Social Enterprise Day 2024 remote webinar.
I have updated my blog I wrote in 2021 about living with invisible disabilities and chronic pain.