“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

The Little Fair Trade Blog

May 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

May 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month my right shoulder is still very painful and I have struggled to record this vlog and type this blog.

Despite my pain I managed to edit my Fairtrade Ramadan 2024 video.

I happy to announce that I completed my 12th year participating in the Six Items Challenge 2024 with Labour Behind The Label.

I hope to upload videos of my Six Items Challenge 2024 when I feel better.

Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

اس مہینے میرے دائیں کندھے میں اب بھی بہت درد ہے اور میں نے اس بلاگ کو ٹائپ کرنے کے لیے بہت جدوجہد کی ہے۔

اپنی تکلیف کے باوجود میں اپنی فیئر ٹریڈ رمضان 2024 ویڈیو ایڈٹ اور پوسٹ کرنے میں کامیاب رہی 

مجھے یہ اعلان کرتے ہوئے خوشی ہو رہی ہے کہ میں نے لیبر کے پیچھے لیبر کے ساتھ سکس آئٹمز چیلنج 2024 میں حصہ لیتے ہوئے اپنا 12 واں سال مکمل کر لیا ہے۔

مجھے امید ہے کہ جب میں بہتر محسوس کرونگی  تو اپنے سکس آئٹمز چیلنج 2024 کی ویڈیوز اپ لوڈ کرونگی ۔


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World Fair Trade Day 2024, ۲۰۲۴ ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ ڈے with Sabeena Z Ahmed

World Fair Trade Day 2024, ۲۰۲۴ ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ ڈے with Sabeena Z Ahmed

This year the World Fair Trade Day was observed on the 11th May 2024.

The World Fair Trade Organization (WFTO) theme was ''Business Revolution.''

This year I was unable to record a video in English or Urdu but did manage to handwrite a poster in English and Urdu.

Translation in Urdu

اس سال عالمی منصفانہ تجارت کا دن 11 مئی 2024 کو منایا گیا۔

ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ آرگنائزیشن (WFTO) کا تھیم ''بزنس ریوولوٹن'' تھا۔

اس سال میں انگریزی یا اردو میں ویڈیو ریکارڈ  نہیں کر سکی لیکن انگریزی اور اردو میں پوسٹر ہاتھ سے لکھنے میں کامیاب رہی۔


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World Fair Trade Day 2023, ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ یوم - English and Urdu with Sabeena Z Ahmed

World Fair Trade Day 2023, ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ یوم - English and Urdu with Sabeena Z Ahmed

This is my message for World Fair Trade Day 2023.

I'd like to congratulate all fair trade artisans, producers and organisations around the world,
I wish you a very happy World Fair Trade Day 2023.

This year the World Fair Trade Organization's Theme is Reimagining the Economy.

السلام علیکم،

میرا نام سبینہ ہے۔

یہ ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ کے لیے میرا پیغام ہے۔

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May 2022 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

May 2022 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from my procedure (January 2022) to alleviate the pain in my left shoulder and a bacterial eye infection.

I celebrated Eid-ul-Fitr and World Fair Trade Day 2022.

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World Fair Trade Day 2022 videos in English and Urdu with S Z Ahmed

World Fair Trade Day 2022 videos in English and Urdu with S Z Ahmed

World Fair Trade Day 2022

۲۰۲۲ ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ ڈے

This year The World Fair Trade Organization's campaign was hashtag,



اس سال ورلڈ فیئر ٹریڈ آرگنائزیشن کی مہم ہیش ٹیگ ہے،

#کلعمت جستس

# چلو اسے فیئر ٹریڈ کرتے ہیں مزید پڑھنا اور لنکس

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World Fair Trade Day 2021 with Sabeena Z Ahmed

World Fair Trade Day 2021 with Sabeena Z Ahmed

This year The World Fair Trade Organization's campaign was called, 'BUILD BACK FAIRER.'

World Fair Trade Day 2021 was an opportunity to give visibility to the Build Back Fairer statement which has been endorsed by various international civil society networks.

This was a chance for WFTO members to get recognised and join international forces to #BuildBackFairer.

I recorded two videos, one in English and one in Urdu. 

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May 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

May 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery.

Embraced Ramadan 2020 under Covid-19 conditions by participating in Observing Ramadan in Britain/Overseas Research project.

Supported World Fair Trade Day 2020, Dubai, UAE by recording a video and promoted fair trade artisans.

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My first World Fair Trade Day, May 2009, Dubai, UAE with Sabeena Ahmed

My first World Fair Trade Day, May 2009, Dubai, UAE with Sabeena Ahmed

I was so excited and anxious to display all the beautiful WFTO certified products at Safa Park Dubai.

The World Fair Trade Organization's Campaign for World Fair Trade Day May 2009 was: 





09 MAY 09


To read more click below.

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World Fair Trade Day 2020, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates with Sabeena Ahmed

World Fair Trade Day 2020, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates with Sabeena Ahmed

This year the World Fair Trade Organization campaign has the following hastags


#FairTradeSolidarity and 


The world is still living under Covid-19 conditions and it is paramount that I support all farmers, workers, employees, and artisans by promoting them.

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The Little Fair Trade Shop - Fairtrade and the Sustainable Development Goals

The Little Fair Trade Shop - Fairtrade and the Sustainable Development Goals

In this blog I explain how Fairtrade supports the Sustainable Development Goals and how I have attempted to implement them in my everyday work and life.

I have concentrated on the following SDG's, SDG1, SDG2, SDG5, SDG8, SDG10, SDG12, SDG13, SDG16 and SDG17.

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May 2019 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

May 2019 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This May I received my certificate for the Future Learn MOOC

' Make Change Happen' with Oxfam and the Open University.

I embraced Ramadan 2019 and

celebrated World Fair Trade Day 2019.

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World Fair Trade Day 2019 - Dubai and the United Arab Emirates

World Fair Trade Day 2019 - Dubai and the United Arab Emirates


This years World Fair Trade Organization campaign was 'Fairtrade Innovates', 

I am very grateful to the amazing M.E.S.H team and the ever graceful Moon Sharma for their time, love and hospitality during my visit to Dehli mid April 19.

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Fair Trade Travels: Interview with Fairtrade Pioneer Moon Sharma of Tara Projects, Dehli, India - April 2019

Fair Trade Travels: Interview with Fairtrade Pioneer Moon Sharma of Tara Projects, Dehli, India - April 2019

It was an absolute pleasure and honour to meet with Moon Sharma of Tara Projects.

Apa (Big Sister) as she is lovingly known spent an evening talking about her travels around the world, Tara Projects, fairtrade and shared stories of Gateshead and Newcastle.

Apa! Thank you so much for your kindness, time and beautiful gifts.

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Introduction to Fair Trade - Interview for the Sister-hood team and World Fair Trade Day 2018

Introduction to Fair Trade - Interview for the Sister-hood team and World Fair Trade Day 2018

I've been meaning to write an article illustrating my fair trade journey for the

Sister-hood team for some time but then I had surgery for a rototar cuff and everything stopped.

After months of painful physiotherapy I finally edited my interview.

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Interview - Mrs Gulshan Bibi, (WFTO) member SABAH/SUNGI Pakistan & FAIR TRADE PAKISTAN INTERVIEWS & VISITS 2011 & 2015

Interview - Mrs Gulshan Bibi, (WFTO) member SABAH/SUNGI Pakistan & FAIR TRADE PAKISTAN INTERVIEWS & VISITS 2011 & 2015

I fulfilled a life time ambition to visit Pakistan December 2011 and February 2015 and met the only two fair trade certified organisations in Karachi and Rawalpindi.

I also conducted interviews with a government official and non profit organisations who are working towards implementing the ten principles of fair trade. Each organisation has a dual role and purpose;

1. to support rural artisans establish and develop strong sustainable projects and
2. revive traditional skills and techniques.

I have attached interviews with Fairtrade and NGO's I visited during December January 2011/12 and February/March 2015.








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May 2017 - Video Blog Newsletter Summary

May 2017 - Video Blog Newsletter Summary

This May I celebrated World Fair Trade Day 2017 with ladies at the Dubai Business Women Council and thoroughly enjoyed the workshop 'Thursday Night at the ER.'


My photograph was included in the Kindness.org community photo mosaic and I attended Beauty World Middle East.


Cried and prayed for the victims of the Manchester and London attacks.


Participated in live webinar with the World Pulse team.


I am grateful The Little Fair Trade Shop was featured in the My Bayut website.


I welcomed Ramadan 2017 and continued my course of iron transfusions.

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World Fair Trade Day 2017 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

World Fair Trade Day 2017 - Dubai, United Arab Emirates

This years World Fair Trade Organization campaign was 'Agent For Change', Human Chains for Fair Trade and the Planet.

I am very grateful to the beautiful ladies at the Dubai Business Women Council who very kindly modelled the Agent for Change posters for me.

I also managed to go to Jumeirah beach and conduct an impromptu beach photo shoot near the iconic Burj Al Arab.

Best wishes to all fairtrade producers, artists, supporters, volunteers and friends around the world for being the voice and change for social, environmental and trade justice.



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My Fair Trade Journey - Sabeena Z Ahmed & The Little Fair Trade Shop Ltd

My Fair Trade Journey - Sabeena Z Ahmed & The Little Fair Trade Shop Ltd

I have been campaigning for fairtrade and ethical producers and ethical consumerism in my beloved home city of Manchester, London, Dubai and Abu Dhabi for the past 14 years.

One of greatest accomplishments is converting my mother to fairtrade products before she returned to her maker.


As the only fair trade campaigner, educator and modest retailer in the United Arab Emirates I have struggled to create a niche market for fair trade products.

Nevertheless, I have never lost heart and am more determined than ever to dispel the myth about fair trade being ''charity.''

It was a wonderful experience to meet Professor Mohammad Yunus at Salford University.

A privilege to discuss fair trade with Dr Jamil Sherif and Mrs Naseema Begum at the Muslim Council of Britain November 2016.

Thank you World Pulse for your compassion and love and for your support in raising my voice as a Muslim Female Social Entrepreneur. 

I continue to educate people about fair trade artisans and groups by promoting the principles of a living wage, self-reliance, empowerment, transparency, environmental sustainability and dignity and self respect for all.

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