“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

September 2018 - Newsletter video blog summary

September 2018 - Newsletter video blog summary

September 2018

This September I travelled to Sharjah to attend the third part of the Social Entrepreneurship Programme in Sharjah, UAE with the Badiri Academy and the School for Social Entrepreneurs London and Cornwall.

Many thanks to the NAMA and SSE's teams for their support.

I also recorded a message of support for Dr Sara Calvo founder of Living in Minca who was attending an Award ceremony in Portugal.



Badiri Social Entrepreneur Academy, NAMA and School for Social Entrepreneurs Scholarship Programme 2018 organised in

 Sharjah, the United Arab Emirates

Badiri Social Entrepreneurship Scholarship Programme, NAMA and the School for Social Entrepreneurs first Cohort 2018

Badiri Social Entrepreneurship Scholarship Programme, NAMA and the School for Social Entrepreneurs first Cohort 2018



Day 1 -  Sunday 16th September 2018 at the Act Hotel, Sharjah, UAE

We began the day by introducing ourselves to ladies and NAMA representatives who were unable to attend the UK tour.

Day 1 - Introductions, BSEP and SSE 2018

We reflected about what we had learnt about the UK tour and how we used the tools and examples in our work.


Session on Funding and Finance with Louise Treacher in Cornwall was very informative and useful.

Day 2 - 7th August 2018 - Expert Session with Louise Treacher funding streams for soc ents SSE Cornwall 2018

Day 2 - 7th August 2018 - Expert Session with Louise Treacher funding streams for soc ents, SSE Cornwall 2018


I expressed the sustainable funding presentation was important however there is are limitations of funding in the UAE and I hope Tanu and Shalabh will be able to provide more information during our time in Dehli.


Day 1 Revisiting your SMART objectives, BSEP and SSE 2018

Day 1 - Revisiting your SMART objectives,

BSEP and SSE 2018

Revisit your SMART Objectives






We all spoke about our social enterprise concepts and how our ideas were had evolved.

Day 1 - Introductions, BSEP and SSE 2018

Day 1 - Introductions

BSEP and SSE 2018

Maitha explained that she had acquired an events trade license from Dubai Economic Department which was reasonably priced at 2000 AED but one would require an Emirati sponsor.

The photographer came to take beautiful photographs of our afternoon session.

Day 1 - Presentation about soc ents in the UK, BSEP and SSE 2018

The second part of the afternoon session was brain storming ideas for social enterprises.

Day 1 - Presentation about soc ents in the UK, BSEP and SSE 2018

Day 1 - Presentation about soc ents in the UK,

BSEP and SSE 2018


We started by discussing issues affecting the UAE.



ISOLATION cultural

KIDS RAISED BY NANNIES lack of understanding of cultural identity








Trends in the UAE

Online learning

Oneline shopping

Social media influencers

Virtual reality

Artificial intelligence

Food Truck/Pop Ups


Current Trend in the UK

Online Learning

Oneline shopping

Pop ups



Activity Choose one social issue and one trend

Create an soc ent 

Choose an impact and income stream

Day 1 - Brainstorming ideas for soc ents in the UAE, BSEP and SSE 2018

Day 1 - Brainstorming ideas for soc ents in the UAE,

BSEP and SSE 2018

Mariam, Khadija, Fatima and I talked about low youth employment and how this could be connected to food trucks and pop ups.


Day 1 - Brainstorming ideas for soc ents in the UAE, BSEP and SSE 2018

 Day 1 - Brainstorming ideas for soc ents in the UAE,

BSEP and SSE 2018

What needs to happen or be in place for me to be successful starting and/or developing a sustainable social venture.


Whats needs to happen? e.g. find more time

What do I need? Family support

What needs to change?

What do I need to do differently

What skills do I need to develop?



Day 2 - Monday 17th September 2018 at the Act Hotel, Sharjah, UAE

We started the day by preparing for Jen MacKay's session for Tuesday afternoon.

Questions we had to prepare for Jen's session

What does a leader mean being to you?

Being a leader means being passionate, honesty, dedication, credibility and good health.

What is your biggest leadership strength?

Happy, Organised, Optimistic, Powerful, Satisfied, and Compassion.

What one leadership quality could you benefit from developing?

Being heard and a little more assertiveness and confident.

Imagine it is 10 years into the future

What impact do you want your leadership to have?

Humble, Compassionate and Dedicated.


Expert Session with Alisdair Inglis


For this session we were given a marketing handout.

Day 2 - Expert Session with Alisdair Inglis, BSEP and SSE 2018

Day 2 - Expert Session with Alisdair Inglis

BSEP and SSE 2018

Your unique proposition - What unique problems do you solve for your customers.

Day 2 - Expert Session with Alisdair Inglis BSEP and SSE 2018

Day 2 - Expert Session with Alisdair Inglis

BSEP and SSE 2018



What 3 problems are you solving for your consumers.

1. Saving consumers valuable time and effort, by importing and procuring bespoke hand crafted ft products.

2. Raising awareness for fairtade by showcasing products, helping consumers to become ethical responsible consumers.

3. Changing and challenging the mindsets of consumers by sharing producer stories and explaining the benefits of fairtrade, environmentally, socially and economically.

Activity describe a product

Describe 5 features

My product

My Gold BAG

Hand embroidered bag by the Lahu Tribe

The gold bag is unique and special, its hand made not machine made and no-one will have a duplicate

Fair trade and ethical

It made AMY me feel good, She was so happy she was not exploiting anyone. She expressed it was good for her conscience.

Bespoke and beautiful this feature can be related to the bag


Long lasting, quality, it does encourage repeat purchase and also encourage consumers to purchase other ft products

Activity Page 6

We worked in pairs and filled out page 6

Day 2 - Expert Session with Alisdair Inglis BSEP and SSE 2018

Day 2 - Expert Session with Alisdair Inglis

BSEP and SSE 2018


Worth through the different segments for your business.

Who is the knowledge holder ie. tourist companies/guides, hotels, b2b and wholesale opportunities

PART 2 webinar, October 2018 tbc


Witness Session with Sally Heard

Day 2 Expert Session with Sally Heard SSE Cornwall, Act Hotel Sharjah 2018

Day 2 - Expert Session with Sally Heard CEO of SSE Cornwall,

Act Hotel, Sharjah 2018

Advisory Session

Advisory Boards


What's in it for the (specialists advisors) them?

How to select specialists?

When to organise?

Why set this up?

Format of meetings

Background of members?

How to get those on board?

The selection process is key

Vary the skills people can bring to the table, Legal, Marketing or Finance

Do Not to assume they understand your business model

Make it a social event 

Your working from trust

4 meetings a year

The session was audio recorded.


Day 3 -  Tuesday 18th September 2018 at the Act Hotel, Sharjah, UAE


Activity 1 - We started the day using postcards to explain what we were bringing to the session. I chose a gentleman smiling which resonated with me.

His smile was a smile of contentment peace of mind and satisfaction.

I wanted to bring happiness, joy and laughter to the group.

We all gave an update about our mentors and our interaction with them.






Day 3 Expert Session with Rabee Zukelrat BSEP and SSE 2018

About Rabee Zurelkat

Studied marketing and advertising in Jordan.

He drove across Jordan when he received his driving license

He said he felt sad and mad due to the marginalization faced by rural communities..

Day 3 Expert Session with Rabee Zukelrat BSEP and SSE 2018

In 2004 there was no Facebook so he couldn't post where he could volunteer.

During Ramadan he approached the Islamic Centre.

We watched a video about Umm Omar and we all valued and appreciated her innovative ways. We all agreed that she was a school of self sufficiency.

video here

Rabee talked us through his slides and presentation.

Umm Ommar is an beautiful example about how to live a better life without modernity and how to be connected to life.

How to productive and responsible and how to make use of resources and your environment.

Exchange to Change

Everyone is giver and receiver.

Every community has something to offer and its not about a hero victim relationship/concept.

Exchange Tourism

Companies and Universities to come to the village 

Umm Omar is teaching others how to become sustainability

35 dollars per person (fee) this not charity it is a fee for her services.

No foreign aid 

Local resources

Projects are self funded

More sustainable

Day 3 Expert Session with Rabee Zukelrat BSEP and SSE 2018

Wire cars

Physics, Engineering, Mathematics the value of the toy.

Making products from local resources

Day 3 Expert Session with Rabee Zukelrat BSEP and SSE 2018

The kids from villages are teaching children from private school children to make the local cars and products.

We all have something to offer.

Notes referring to Q&A

The Cause will keep you going

Two entities non profit and consultancy

Rabee was an ASHOKA FELLOW and received a stipend for 3 years

A personal passion

Middle Eastern naaee

Arabic instrument was not available in Amann

Reed similar to sugar cane

He ordered one from Syria.

Quality is bad in Jordan.

He visited many valleys and conducted research

His friend was a naeee player 

The first nayee working workship

Rabee established with House of the NAYEE Bait al Nayee

Nayee is 7000 years old

Its a local resource

Divide between rural and city.



This session was continued from our first session in London.


Day 3 Expert Session with Jen MacKay BSEP and SSE 2018

Day 3 Expert Session with Jen MacKay

BSEP and SSE 2018


Day 3 Expert Session with Jen MacKay BSEP and SSE 2018

Day 3 Expert Session with Jen MacKay

Asma Ahmed and Assia BSEP and SSE 2018




Day 4 -  Wednesday 19th September 2018

ENABLE at Carrefour, Dubai Festival City,

Dubai, UAE


On Wednesday we visited Reem who created ENABLE.

Day 4 Visit to Enable Dubai, BSEP and SSE London and Cornwall 2018

Day 4 -Visit to Enable Dubai Festival City,

BSEP and SSE London and Cornwall 2018


Day 4 Visit to Enable Dubai, BSEP and SSE London and Cornwall 2018

Day 4 - Visit to Enable Dubai, BSEP and SSE

London and Cornwall 2018


Day 4 Visit to Enable Dubai, BSEP and SSE London and Cornwall 2018

A beautiful succulent available at ENABLE, DUBAI, UAE

Day 4 - Visit to Enable Dubai,

BSEP and SSE London and Cornwall 2018


Day 4 - Succulent Planter purchased while visiting Enable Dubai Festival City  September 2018

Day 4 - Succulent Planter purchased while visiting Enable

Dubai Festival City



Day 5 -  Thursday 20th September 2018

Session with Reetu Sood

Day 5 - Expert Session with Reetu Sood, BSEP and SSE 2018

This session is a continuation of our session with Reetu in London.


Comparing fashion houses Monsoon and Zara.

Day 5 - Expert Session with Reetu Sood, BSEP and SSE London/Cornwall 2018

Monsoon Value Preposition Analysis


What is the product?

What's the value?

Whats the offer?

Who are they offering?


Price points


Whats in it for customers, what value are offering them?

It explains how your product solves customers problems or improves their situation.



A clear stament of the benefits that you can uniquely offer your customers

Slide photo


Product Centric and Customer Centric


Customer Centric

Create best solution for customer

Customer culture: searching for new needs to fill

New solution develop: customer experience management

Rewards deep insights into customer



Customer Avatar

Day 5 Expert Session with Reetu Sood Customer Avatar worksheet

Day 5 Expert Session with Reetu Sood Customer Avatar worksheet


A Day in the Life

Day 5 Expert Session with Reetu Sood A day in the life worksheet





Trigger questions




Day 5 Expert Session with Reetu Sood Value Proposition Canvas




Trigger questions

Day 5 Expert Session with Reetu Sood Customer Pains worksheet


Orange post its



trigger questions

Day 5 Expert Session with Reetu Sood Customer Gains worksheet

refer to your orange post its



Day 5 - Value Preposition with Reetu Sood, BSEP and SSE London/Cornwall 2018

Day 5 - Expert Session, value Preposition with Reetu Sood,

BSEP and SSE London/Cornwall 2018


Pain relievers

Day 5 Expert Session with Reetu Sood Pain Relievers

Day 5 Expert Session with Reetu Sood pain relievers worksheet



Day 5 - Value Preposition Template with Reetu Sood, BSEP and SSE London/Cornwall 2018

Day 5 - Expert Session, value preposition template with Reetu Sood,

BSEP and SSE London/Cornwall 2018






We ended the week with a zoom call to SSE India.



Day 5 FAREWELLS Thursday 20th September 2018

Day 5 - FAREWELLS, Thursday 20th September 2018 


Day 5 - Succulent Gift produced by Enable Dubai gifted by Amy and Sally SSE London and Cornwall 2018

Succulent Gift


Day 5 - Farewells with Amy and Sally of SSE London Cornwall BSEP and NAMA Sharjah 2018

Day 5 - Farewells with Amy and Sally of SSE London Cornwall,

BSEP and NAMA Sharjah 2018


Day 5 - Farewells with Khadija, BSEP and NAMA Sharjah 2018

Day 5 - Farewells with Khadija,

BSEP and NAMA Sharjah 2018


Day 5 - Farewells with Asma and Maryam Q.  BSEP and NAMA Sharjah, Sept 2018

Day 5 - Farewells with Asma and Maryam Q. 

BSEP and NAMA Sharjah, Sept 2018


Day 4 - Visit to Enable Dubai, SSE London, BSEP NAMA Sharjah September 2018

Day 4 - Visit to Enable Dubai, SSE London,

BSEP NAMA Sharjah September 2018



Video message of support for Dr Sara Calvo and Living in Minca

During the SSE course in Sharjah I received an email from Dr Sara Calvo founder of Living in Minca.

Dr Calvo had kindly requested that I record a video message to explain how her MOOC Social Enterprise Turning Ideas into Action had assisted me and The Little Fair Trade Shop to move forward.

The video would be used to support her nomination at The 4th Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Awards Awards - University of Aveiro Portugal.

I'm very happy to announce that Dr Calvo won. 


Certificate of Merit awarded to Dr Sara Calvo 

The 4th Innovation and Entrepreneurship Teaching Awards Awards - Certificate of Merit awarded to Dr Sara Calvo


I've attached my video below for those interested.


video tba



Further Reading and Links

Badiri Academy

SSE London

Louise Treacher and 4George

Alisdair Inglis and WE ARE GROW

Rabee Zukrekat

Jen MacKay


Reetu Sood

SSE India 

Dr Sara Calvo and Living in Minca

More Reading and Links


Badiri Academy

School for Social Entrepreneurs

Harry Specters

Sweet Cavanagh Jewellery

Change Please Coffee

Miss Macaroon

Bees Wax Candles

Vegard Olsen - The Coaching Partner

Reetu Sood - Social Enterprise Consultant

Naomi Mwasambili - Chanua

Jennifer MacKay - Jump Training & Development

Jo van Osch - Soulfully Connected.co

Stour Space

Janie Wilson

The Good Hotel

School for Social Entrepreneurs Cornwall

The ArtHouse

Pendennis Castle Falmouth

Charlotte Hill

Tracey Roose

Steve Neale

The Poly Falmouth

Louise Treacher - Founder 4GeorgeLtd

Tim Van Berkel - The Cornish Seaweed Company

Charlotte Young

The Eden Project


Also in The Little Fair Trade Blog

December 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog
December 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog

This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.

I remotely attend two webinars about 'Understanding the home décor 

and textile and apparel market.'

These webinars were organised by ITC.


Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

اس مہینے میں اپنے دائیں کندھے کے علاج سے صحت یاب ہوتی راہی۔

میں نے 'گھر کی سجاوٹ اور ٹیکسٹائل اور ملبوسات کی مارکیٹ کو سمجھنا' کے بارے میں دو ویبنرز میں شرکت کی۔

اس ویبنارز کا اہتمام ITC    

نے کیا تھا۔

Continue Reading →

November 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary
November 2024 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary


This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.

I managed to attend a World Social Enterprise Day 2024 remote webinar.


Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

اس مہینے میں اپنے دائیں کندھے کے علاج سے صحت یاب ہوتی راہی ۔

میں ورلڈ سوشل انٹرپرائز ڈے 2024 ریموٹ ویبینار میں شرکت کرنے میں کامیاب راہی۔


Continue Reading →

Update October 2024 - Living with Invisible Disabilities and Chronic Pain with Sabeena Z Ahmed
Update October 2024 - Living with Invisible Disabilities and Chronic Pain with Sabeena Z Ahmed


I have updated my blog I wrote in 2021 about living with invisible disabilities and chronic pain.


Translation in Urdu

اردو میں ترجمہ

میں نے اپنے بلاگ کو غیر مرئی معذوری اور دائمی درد کے ساتھ رہنے کے بارے میں اپ ڈیٹ کیا ہے جو میں نے 2021 میں لکھا تھا۔


Continue Reading →


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