This month I continued to heal from all my surgeries, raised awareness for Fairtrade Ethical Ramadan 2021 participated in two webinars,
the first webinar was a round table discussion about Social Enterprise in the UAE. the second was about 'Periods in a Pandemic.'
For those that don't know I was admitted to hospital after a few weeks of excruciating pain in my left ovary and required urgent surgery.
My cyst was removed 17th March 2020.
During November 2017 I had my first rotator cuff surgery on my right shoulder, and then a year later October 2018 I had the same surgery on my left shoulder.
Its been a long 4 years of excruciating pain, sleepless nights and slow healing.
I still have bouts of low energy, pain and anxiety.
I am learning more about self care, a good healthy diet, exercise and loving myself.
Thank you to all my friends and family who sent get well messages.
This year I celebrated Fairtrade Fortnight 2021 alone shielding in London, UK.
This year the Fairtrade Foundation's campaign is about Climate Change, Fairtrade and You.
Continuing the theme I thought I'd continue campaigning for fairtrade farmers and producers by raising awareness for fair trade and ethical products during Ramadan.
Fairtrade Ramadan Day 1
Day 2
Fairtrade green decaf tea!
Fairtrade Ramadan 2021, Day 2 - Support fairtrade tea producers with Sabeena Ahmed (fairtrade green decaf tea)
Fairtrade Ramadan 2021, Day 2 - Support fairtrade tea producers with Sabeena Ahmed (fairtrade green decaf tea)
Day 3
Day 4
Many thanks to my sister Irem for supporting fairtrade and fairtrade banana farmers this Ramadan.
Proud to support the Cooperativa Bananera de Rio Frio Coobafrio (COOBAFRIO), Colombia banana producers and farmers.
Day 7
This month I participated in a webinar hosted by The British Council and the Beyond Consultancy Group.
The purpose of the webinar was to collate information for a paper about the Eco Systems and Landscape of Social Enterprise in the United Arab Emirates.
The British Council has implemented Global Social Enterprise Programme since 2009 which draws on the UK experience in social enterprise to promote its growth around the world.
To help guide these efforts, the British Council UAE invited me to take part in the consultation workshop.
The workshop was led by their partners Social Enterprise UK and Beyond Group and envisaged an honest, open, participative discussion to build trust and enable constructive feedback.
This webinar was held 4th February 2021 and covered the following areas.
I attended the follow up round table discussion about the findings May 20th and hope to read the research paper soon.
To learn more please contact Asmaa Ibrahim at the British Council for further details and information.
Asmaa Ibrahim, Project Manager – Education and Skills | Programmes
British Council | United Arab Emirates
Contact Email:
I also attended a webinar hosted by Gemma Williams.
Gemma Williams is a Research Fellow at Birmingham City University,
Her research focuses on menstruation, gender health and equalities.
Her details are and her social media handle is @Pandemic Period
Many thanks to all the guest speakers participating in the webinar.
It was a very educational and informative session.
Gemma Williams, Neelam Heera, Nisha, Nicole Talmer, Vicky Chapman, Hazel, Jenny Lincoln, Chella Quint, Gemma Baker and Tina Leslie. Apologies for missing key guest speakers.
Guest Speakers
Neelam Heera @neelamheera and founder of @cystersgroup
A charity working with marginalised groups around reproductive wellbeing. Any support in amplifying our work and the voice of minority groups is greatly appreciated. So do give us a follow!
Nisha from Period Health Matters here @periodhealthmatters
Nicole from Bridgend College, Wales.
Nicole runs a GRL group an initiative to provide free eco-friendly sanitary packs for all students who experience periods.
Vicky Chapman, Development Officer involved with @PKAVSTamponTaxi and also Support Group Leader for @EndoDundee
Hazel @CicNest, is working on a project to deliver RSH menstrual health workshops in secondary schools in Exeter.
Jenny Lincoln from Plan UK, developing policy positions and influencing Government.
Chella Quint @chellaquint from Period Positive - a campaign with a framework, charter award and training to support schools, organisations, companies, and communities looking to develop more inclusive, sustainable, and participant-focused menstrual literacy and education.
You can follow Chella @period_positive and apply for the (free!) charter programme at which has had a successful pilot and is now expanding UK wide.
Gemma Baker, Communications and Grants Office at Milford Haven School, secondary school in Pembrokeshire.
Key part of Gemma’s work is overseeing the spending plan for the school’s Period Poverty Grant from Welsh Government, which she’s been doing for the past 3 years.
Tina Leslie, Founder of Freedom4Girls, and Victoria (Tora) Abrahams.
F4G is a Leeds based charity, aims are to support those who menstruate by challenging the stigmas, taboos and gender inequalities associated with menstruation through education, provision of menstrual health management solutions and actively being at the forefront of the wider campaign against period poverty.
Friday 28th May is International Menstrual Hygiene Day!
Find out more:
Hastag #ItsTimeForAction and #MHDAY2021 @menstrualhygieneday
(Facebook, Instagram) and @mhday28may (Twitter).
Please be aware that the campaign video mainly refers to women and girls, but we (Periods in a Pandemic project) recognise that trans and non-binary people also menstruate and need to be included in menstrual activism, policy, education and research.
If you've read this far, you deserve lots of big pat on the back.
Thank you for reading and I hope to bring you another monthly blog next month
Love and respect
Fairtrade Ethical Ramadan 2021 with Sabeena Ahmed (TBA)
Social Enterprise in the UAE Research Findings
Living with PCOS and Endometriosis - by Sabeena Ahmed
This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.
I remotely attend two webinars about 'Understanding the home décor
and textile and apparel market.'
These webinars were organised by ITC.
This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.
I managed to attend a World Social Enterprise Day 2024 remote webinar.
I have updated my blog I wrote in 2021 about living with invisible disabilities and chronic pain.