This month I continued to heal from my shoulder procedure (January 2022) and am learning to live with pain in my right shoulder.
I participated in several webinars the first being the January 2023, World Pulse Changemaker Lab Live webinar about self-care.
The second webinar was organised by the Civil Society Consulting team and struggled to complete Modules 3, 4 and 5 of the Changemaker Lab 2022 Program.
Changemaker Live webinar January 23
Aparna hosting the Changemaker Lab Live Webinar January 2023
My comments at the
Changemaker Lab Live Webinar January 2022
I struggled to complete Modules 3, 4 and 5 of the Changemaker Lab 2022 Program.
My right shoulder has been particularly painful.
Below is my progress.
Module 3 - Part 1 Initiative Update
Lesson 1 - Techniques of Storytelling
This video presentation was hosted by Ruth Howard.
It was an introduction to story telling.
I love all of the quotes Ruth included in her session particularly the one below.
Never be afraid to share your story.
No one can tell it like you can - Tony Sorenson
I thoroughly enjoyed listening to Ruth and came away with a better understanding of 'how do I tell a good story.'
Keep it simple!
Keep it honest!
Tell it with heart! -
Ruth Howard
Lesson 2 - How to be a TED talker
This session was presented by Kat Haber.
It focussed on telling your story like a TED talker.
Kat is a natural story teller and I loved her voice.
It was a very informative video highlighting many areas of storytelling including:
A Shero's Journey What is your message?
Who is your audience?
What will you give them?
Common Ground
What's your big idea
What is your story?
Which story to choose? Warn or Motivate
Make your personal wins and learnings universal
Risk, Resistance, Reward
What are your visuals?
4 Principles to live by
A Halls of Happiness
What is V What Could be?
What is your call to action?
How will you make it sparkle?
BE A STAR! (Something, They'll, Always, Remember)
Thank you Kat!
Lesson 3 - Crafting a Strong Elevator Pitch
Lesson 3 was presented by Manasa and Dawn.
This video was about Crafting a Strong Elevator Pitch and What is an Elevator Pitch?
This was a very interesting and impactful video.
Dawn and Manasa explained what is an elevator pitch and the key elements of an elevator pitch.
I used the information from this video and previous lessons to write my elevator pitch.
Lesson 4 - What is a Front Line Journal
This video was presented by Corine Milano and Chi Yvonne Leina.
Review of a Frontline Journal A frontline journal is a personal, focussed and true.
It follows a specific structure to connect readers to the heart of your story - but most importantly, it is designed to galvanise action.
Quote - Corine Milano and Chi Yvonne Leina
I have included the Lead, Nut Graph, Body and Call to Action/Conclusion diagram in the video above.
Many thanks to the Changemaker team and all the Changemakers for all your patience and support.
Lesson 5 with Ana Lozano
This video recording was I hour and 14 minutes + and covered the subject of story telling techniques.
I enjoyed listening about 'tips for your assignments.'
I chose the great angular approach for my elevator pitch, although I now feel it is far too simplistic.
I may have to re-record this video and include more details in the future.
I used the golden circle theory, why, how and what.
I need to re-read the resource links again.
I have blogged and explained my fair trade journey on my website but may need to create a concise version.
I did start an infographic timeline which is available on my website The Little Fair Trade Shop, this is dated from 2008-2017.
Lesson 6 - with Andrea Arzaba
I thoroughly enjoyed listening about how to effectively work with the media.
I loved Andrea's quote in her presented.
'Nobody will magically find your work.
You will need to promote it and nurture relationships with the media.
Module 3 Initiative Update required all Changemakers to post their elevator pitch.
My health has been a main cause of concern throughout this program and I finally managed to record and edit my elevator pitch.
Many thanks to the Changemaker Lab team for their patience and support.
Endless amount of respect and admiration to all the Changemakers I've e-met online.
Lessons 1 & 2 with Ana Lozano
This video session focussed on 'The What and the How?, Tying Your Tactics to your Goals.'
Points of Intervention and Direct Action
Points of Production
Points of Consumption
Points of Decision
I particularly enjoyed learning about Gene Sharp's Direct Action Method.
* Non violent protest and persuasion
* Non cooperation
* Non violent
I used the non violent protest and persuasion and non violent intervention to persuade an American lady and her friends to support fair trade and purchase fair trade products.
Lesson 3 with Ana Lozano
This video addressed failure, setbacks and opposition.
Ana talked about:
- What emotions and behaviours can failure trigger.
- Understand the reasons behind failure.
- She introduced Amy Edmondson's research about preventable failure and
Dealing with opposition
Identifying your opponents
Recognise their tactics
I found the deal aspect the most important area for my work and know how to negotiate.
Lesson 4
This video was presented by Dawn Arteaga and Manasa Ram Raj.
It was titled Community Building Initiative.
Dawn presented a real life example of an initiative,
'To improve public schooling options of elementary schools in her neighbourhood.'
I loved the Dress Up Brigade!
I thoroughly enjoyed this session.
Dawn is a natural story teller.
Her voice is very calming and the video made sense.
Dawn used a quote from the lady who opened her school.
'We organised a grassroots efforts with other parents to open this school. As they say, it really does take a village.'
Lesson 5
This video was presented by Kirthi.
This session was titled applying building blocks.
Kirthi used her own initiative SAAHAS as an example.
Kirthi's vision
'To enable access to legal, medical emergency, and shelter support for survivors of GBV.'
I have the utmost respect for Kirthi and thoroughly enjoyed learning about Kirthi's application and its features.
Finally, I never thought I'd get this far.
My right shoulder has been very painful, but, I'm determined to complete the program.
video to be added
Lesson 1
This video session was presented by Kirthi and was titled Fundraising, Financing and Accounting.
Kirthi covered Fundraising for your initiative, Grants, Crowdfunding and Financing for Specific Projects.
The following points have had the most impact.
- Rely on professional support for quality account maintenance.
- Prioritise transparency in book keeping.
Thank you Kirthi!
Lesson 2
This video session was presented by Ms Benjamin and devoted to Grant Writing.
Ms Benjamin covered the areas of Grants v Donations, the Key Aspects of the grant writing process, the grant life cycle process and the grant writing steps.
As a visual learner I particularly enjoyed the diagrams and resource links.
Many thanks to Ms Benjamin for a detailed and informative session.
Lesson 3
This session was presented by Nuria Gracia and titled Bootstrapping.
Quote ' Bootstrapping means building a business without external financing.'
I enjoyed Nuria's personal insight into establishing and operating a business on a budget.
I will be using her quote in my work.
Know your goals
Know your role
Know your needs
Know your tools
Thank you Nuria!
Assignment for Module 5
As a social entrepreneur I was asked to talk about my business model.
I talk about the fair trade model.
During 2016 I enrolled on the Future Learn Social Enterprise 'Business Doing Good' course with the Middlesex University Business School and the Jindal Centre for Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship.
The video 'What is Fairtrade?' was recorded for the Future Learn Online Course: Social Enterprise Turning Ideas into Action, The Middlesex University Business School (2016).
Participants were asked to submit a video about their social enterprise and enter the International Social Innovation Challenge 2016.
I've posted my video below.
I won my social pitch with two other participants, Palma Milicevic and Emma Butler and their respective initiatives.
Many thanks to Dr Sara Calvo Martinez, Jeremy Wade and all the other mentors and my peers for their votes.
I am very grateful to Dr Calvo for taking time out of her busy schedule to Skpye with me and write a letter of support for The Little Fair Trade Shop and the fair trade movement of the United Arab Emirates.
I happened to learn about this free online training from the School for Social Entrepreneurs Newsletter.
It was an interesting webinar and I heard from many guest speakers about how the Civil Society Consulting team had supported them.
We work with civil society organisations all over the country – big and small – to help them help their communities. In our experience, charities, CICs, and CIOs rarely need help knowing what to do - they know their communities - what they need is some hands-on support to get it done! They need it to be high-quality, but affordable. We are a reliable source of this additional capacity. We facilitate civil society organisations to have social impact by delivering projects impeccably whilst optimising tight resources. We work in a relational way to ensure we share learning and capacity-build at the same time. Flick through our recent commissions below.
Organisations ‘led by and for’ communities are agile, motivated, trusted and extremely knowledgeable about their communities’ needs. These ‘grassroots’ organisations are highly impactful and resourceful. They’re a vehicle for reducing social inequality. Through our flagship initiatives, Steps to Sustainability and Steps to Recovery, we provide free consultancy support to grassroots organisations. We help the organisations grow into sustainable, resilient and effective organisations that can continue to cater for the communities they know and love: we co-produce key outputs with and for them, whilst coaching and upskilling them. Check out our initiatives below.
Credit and Source: Civil Society Consulting
Thank you for taking the time to read my blog.
If you got this far you deserve a huge heartfelt thanks.
Peace and blessings
World Pulse Profile - Sabeena Ahmed and the LilFT
Module 1 Initiative Update - Sabeena Ahmed
Module 2, Lesson 1-4, Initiative Update - Sabeena Ahmed
Module 2, Lesson 5 and 6 Initiative Update - Sabeena Ahmed
Module 3, Part 1 Initiative Update - Sabeena Ahmed
Module 3 Part 2 Initiative Update - Sabeena Ahmed
Module 3 - Elevator Pitch - Sabeena Ahmed
Module 4, Parts 1 and 2 - Sabeena Ahmed
This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.
I remotely attend two webinars about 'Understanding the home décor
and textile and apparel market.'
These webinars were organised by ITC.
This month I continued to recover from my right shoulder treatment.
I managed to attend a World Social Enterprise Day 2024 remote webinar.
I have updated my blog I wrote in 2021 about living with invisible disabilities and chronic pain.