“We love to listen to our customers and for this reason we would be delighted to hear from you if you would like a bespoke fair trade product made especially for you.”

The Little Fair Trade Blog

December 2020 Newsletter Video Blog Summary

December 2020 Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery and

ordered acne products from a vegan, paraben and cruelty free company called Facetheory, located Sheffield, UK.

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Fair Trade Ethical Living - The Little Fair Trade Stamps and what they mean

Fair Trade Ethical Living - The Little Fair Trade Stamps and what they mean

2015 was an exciting time in my life as I worked to complete my first professional website.

With my friend and talented Creative Director Helen Barlow Scott, we worked diligently to design The Little Fair Trade Stamps which would be included in the launch of The Little Fair Trade Shop website Quarter 1, 2016.

In this blog I explain what each stamp means and introduce you to a fairtrade producer who has aligned their business to implement and promote a living wage, decent working conditions, transparency and accountability, empowerment, environmental sustainability, dignity and self respect for all.

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November 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

November 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery and ordered acne products from a vegan, paraben and cruelty free company called Face Theory based in Sheffield UK.

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My Acne Journey 1990-2021 - A personal insight into cystic, hormonal acne and reactive and sensitive skin

My Acne Journey 1990-2021 - A personal insight into cystic, hormonal acne and reactive and sensitive skin

Hello, I'm Sabeena, a fairtrade campaigner, educator and social entrepreneur.

I've also had cystic and hormonal acne, reactive and sensitive for over 30 years.

For all those who suffer with or have cystic and hormonal acne, I empathise and understand the physical, mental and emotional stress and pain you experience on a daily basis.

Its affected my confidence and how I felt for most of my life.

In this blog I write about my acne journey and hope it will help those struggling with cystic and hormonal acne.

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October 2020 Newsletter Video Blog Summary

October 2020 Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery.

Completed the prestigious World Literacy Foundation Ambassador 2020 Program and

Attended Ethical Consumer Week 2020 via virtual sessions.

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A reflection of Ethical Consumer Week 2020 - Building More Resilient Communities

A reflection of Ethical Consumer Week 2020 - Building More Resilient Communities

This October I attended online Ethical Consumer Week Conference 2020.

This is a short summary of some of the sessions I attended.

The conference began Saturday 24th October and concluded Friday 30th October 2020.

Many thanks to all the guest speakers and the Ethical Consumer team for an informative and inspiring week!

I look forward to the catch up session.

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World Literacy Foundation Ambassador Program 2020 - Sabeena Z Ahmed, UAE

World Literacy Foundation Ambassador Program 2020 - Sabeena Z Ahmed, UAE

This June during the Covid 19 pandemic I applied to participate as a World Literacy Foundation Ambassador with the World Literacy Foundation.

My application was successful. 

Congratulations to all #WLFAmbassadors2020.

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September 2020 Newsletter Video Blog Summary

September 2020 Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery.

Participated in Zero Waste Week 2020.

Continued learning about literacy on the prestigious World Literacy Foundation Ambassador 2020 Program and

visited the Makers Market West Didsbury, Manchester.

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A Visit to The Makers Market, West Didsbury, Manchester, UK

A Visit to The Makers Market, West Didsbury, Manchester, UK

This month I visited The Makers Market West Didsbury, Manchester.

It was a beautiful Sunday morning and I headed over to Nell Lane, West Didsbury with my sister Irem.

I surprised to see so many wonderful artisan stalls selling bespoke hand crafted items.

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Zero Waste Week 2020 - Fair Trade Ethical Living with Sabeena Ahmed

Zero Waste Week 2020 - Fair Trade Ethical Living with Sabeena Ahmed

This is my humble effort to reduce my plastic consumption and waste for Zero Waste Week 2020. 

I've been very poorly this year and hope to support the Zero Waste movement with zest and vigour next year.

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August 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

August 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery.

Continued learning about literacy on the prestigious World Literacy Foundation Ambassador 2020 Program and

flew to London to attend my father in law's funeral.

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July 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

July 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery.

Participated in my second Plastic Free July 2020.

Was accepted on the prestigious World Literacy Foundation Ambassador 2020 Program and 

completed my Future Learn MOOC - The Power of Podcasting For Storytelling.

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Plastic Free July 2020, Dubai, UAE with Sabeena Ahmed

Plastic Free July 2020, Dubai, UAE with Sabeena Ahmed

This is my second year participating in Plastic Free July and due to my three surgeries and Covid-19 I have found the challenge difficult.

The UAE ethical movement is still in its infancy and substitutes for products like reusable/circular feminine hygiene and natural beauty products for acne/sensitive skin are limited.

I hope to continue my plastic/zero waste journey and hope to gradually reduce my consumption of menstrual hygiene and cleaning products and learn how to make my own soap, body wash, bread, conditioner and compost my waste..

It will be a long work in progress, but I'm optimistic.

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Fair Trade Ethical Living with Sabeena Ahmed

Fair Trade Ethical Living with Sabeena Ahmed

This is my summary about how I am consciously trying to live a fair trade ethical life.

This blog illustrates the small steps I have taken to live a life free of clutter, materialism and throw away society.

It has been a natural progression from fair trade campaigner, educator and social entrepreneur to ethical consumer.


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June 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

June 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery.

Supported the Black Lives Matter Movement by forwarding links about organisations, activists and consultants promoting equality and diversity in the workplace to Sian Conway of Ethical Hour.

Was accepted on the prestigious World Literacy Foundation Ambassador 2020 Program.

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Fair Trade Travels with Sabeena Ahmed - International Fair Trade Towns Conference, Lebanon - June/July 2016

Fair Trade Travels with Sabeena Ahmed - International Fair Trade Towns Conference, Lebanon - June/July 2016

During the last week of Ramadan, June/July 2016 on a hot bright sunny morning I took a flight to Beirut, Lebanon.

I'd never been to an International Fair Trade Towns Conference but was excited to know that I would be representing the United Arab Emirates.

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May 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

May 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery.

Embraced Ramadan 2020 under Covid-19 conditions by participating in Observing Ramadan in Britain/Overseas Research project.

Supported World Fair Trade Day 2020, Dubai, UAE by recording a video and promoted fair trade artisans.

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My first World Fair Trade Day, May 2009, Dubai, UAE with Sabeena Ahmed

My first World Fair Trade Day, May 2009, Dubai, UAE with Sabeena Ahmed

I was so excited and anxious to display all the beautiful WFTO certified products at Safa Park Dubai.

The World Fair Trade Organization's Campaign for World Fair Trade Day May 2009 was: 





09 MAY 09


To read more click below.

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Observing Covid-19 Ramadan in Britain and Overseas 2020 Photo Diary with Sabeena Ahmed

Observing Covid-19 Ramadan in Britain and Overseas 2020 Photo Diary with Sabeena Ahmed

I expressed an interest to participate in the Observing Ramadan in Britain and Overseas Photo Research Project.

This project was conceived by Phd researcher Laura Jones - Cardiff University.
I've been asked to take at least one photograph for every day of Ramadan and provide a short explanation.

Ramadan Mubarak/Kareem to all my friends and family around the world.

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World Fair Trade Day 2020, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates with Sabeena Ahmed

World Fair Trade Day 2020, Dubai and the United Arab Emirates with Sabeena Ahmed

This year the World Fair Trade Organization campaign has the following hastags


#FairTradeSolidarity and 


The world is still living under Covid-19 conditions and it is paramount that I support all farmers, workers, employees, and artisans by promoting them.

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Six Items Challenge 2020 - Labour Behind The Label with Sabeena Ahmed

Six Items Challenge 2020 - Labour Behind The Label with Sabeena Ahmed

So here I am for the eighth consecutive year participating in the Six Items Challenge 2020 with Labour Behind The Label.

This year the challenge commenced 26th February - 9th April 2020. 

During the fashion fast my beloved grandmother returned to her maker, the world faced Covid 19, I had surgery for a ruptured cyst and observed Lockdown to protect key workers. 

Congratulations to all the Sixers and everyone who supported garment workers at this critical time.

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April 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

April 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I continued to heal from surgery for a ruptured cyst,

completed my eighth Six Items Challenge 2020 with Labour Behind The Label and

embraced Ramadan 2020 under Covid-19 conditions by participating in Observing Ramadan in Britain/Overseas Research project.

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Living with PCOS and Endometriosis - A personal insight by Sabeena Ahmed, Fairtrade Campaigner, Educator and Social Entrepreneur

Living with PCOS and Endometriosis - A personal insight by Sabeena Ahmed, Fairtrade Campaigner, Educator and Social Entrepreneur

For the past 30 years I have lived with Endometriosis and PCOS.

This is my personal insight of living with Endometriosis and PCOS.

Most female social entrepreneurs I know are multi talented, ambitious and innovative. 

I feel blessed to be a member of an exclusive club of makers and doers. All action, brain storming, endless ethical learning, strategy and conversations.

I love that part of my life!

However, there is a part of my life that most people don't know about.

The days where I can't get out of bed, struggle to get household chores done and don't have the energy to answer emails, WhatsApp messages or call family.

This is my reality most days of the week but you would never know looking at me.

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March 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

March 2020 - Newsletter Video Blog Summary

This month I had emergency surgery for a ruptured cyst,

was featured by Pioneers Post, participated in my eighth Six Items Challenge 2020 with Labour Behind The Label and

celebrated Earth Hour Dubai, United Arab Emirates.

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